METIS has a new link
Due to changes in the security settings of the MFA network, we have had to change the url of METIS, the dashboard in which we monitor progress on activities. To avoid issues like this in the future, we have made the Helpdesk Open Data the main port for all dashboards from now on. You can visit all our public dashboards through This page is also permanently featured on our main page.
This means that we are phasing out the link we often used recently, as well as other ways of communicating the dashboard which have been used in the past, such as the direct link to the Tableau dashboard. We have also updated all articles on this website. To make things easier for everyone, we will also advise our MFA colleagues to start using the above site.
UPDATE 30 May 2023: until today, we were unable to access the old version of METIS, so we could not point any visitors to the new version. We have finally been able to solve that problem thanks to some changes in the ministry’s security settings being rolled back, so we have now taken the old METIS down. Thank you for your patience!
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