Getting Started with IATI

3. Choose a publication tool

Publishing your information can be done in several ways. Many organisations publishing for the first time, make an account with AidStream. AidStream is a user friendly online platform that allows you to easily create and publish 20 activities directly to the IATI registry for free. More information on how to create an Aidstream account and link it to the IATI Registry, is in our article ‘How to set up your Aidstream account’.

AidStream is a great platform when you don’t have to publish more than 10–15 projects per year. If you publish more than that, it is recommended discuss in your organisation with your programme, financial, and ICT teams to see what options could be right for you. (note: If you do chose AidStream for a large number of activities, make sure you chose the ‘full version’ of AidStream and not and ‘lite’ version.)

IATI is working on building its own free publishing tool. If you sign up for the Dutch IATI Newsletter, we will keep you up to date on progress on this tool.

Some organisations publish directly from their current project management system. This takes time to set up, but often makes publishing easier in the long run. Make sure to ask your colleagues, including your IT department, which publishing solution best meets your needs.


Akvo RSR

D4D Spreadsheet 2 IATI Convertor


Ifunds Engage PME
(website in Dutch)

NGO Online


A selection of solution that can produce IATI data. Do you know of any other solutions with the same capabilities? Let us know

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