There are several possible causes. Please check the following:

  • Are there transactions of type 1 (incoming funds) or 11 (incoming commitment)? If they are not in your IATI file, the activity of the organisation doesn’t link back to the MFA activity.
  • Do the incoming funds and incoming commitments have the correct provider-activity-ID? It’s possible the provider-activity-id is missing or incorrect. More information on how to fix that is in this Technical Tip.
  • Has the organisation started publishing in IATI recently, or is it a new partner for the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Metis perhaps hasn’t picked up the data yet. Email us (see below) and we will check.
  • Less likely but possible: perhaps there is an issue with your data that is so severe that it is impossible to read the data. Please check in the IATI Validator by looking for your organisation and checking the status of each file. If any of your files have a ‘critical error’ (in purple), this needs to be fixed first before we can import the data into Metis.

If it’s none of the above, email us at with a link to the file in the IATI registry and if possible the ID of the MFA activity it should refer back to, and we will have a look.