IATI Publication Guidelines
The Ministry’s guidelines explain how to use the IATI standard for publishing results and other information regarding activities financed by the Netherlands.
Publishing data on COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, IATI has created specific guidance for organisations publishing COVID-19 related activities using the IATI Standard. The guidance aims to:
a) be quick and simple to implement
b) align with other major humanitarian partners reporting
c) allow users quick and easy access of the data with IATI tools.
Partners of the ministry who are involved in the international effort to address the COVID-19 pandemic are encouraged to publish IATI data on all their activitities. This includes both humanitarian interventions and long-term development activities that are addressing COVID-19 issues.
A summary of the IATI guidance on publishing COVID-19 data is below. For the full guidance and IATI community discussion see https://discuss.iatistandard.org/t/covid-19-publishing-guidance/1923
How do I publish data on COVID-19?
For ALL publishers
- Title – add “COVID-19” in the title of reported activities.
Although this is not the most sophisticated way of using the IATI standard – with all its available data elements and codes – it is the easiest way to show COVID-19 related activities that can be used by any publisher.
If you publish humanitarian activities
Humanitarian flag – use the humanitarian attribute for humanitarian activities and/ or transactions related to COVID-19:
<iati-activity humanitarian=”1″ >
<transaction humanitarian=”1”>
Note: Not all activities responding to the COVID-19 pandemic will be classified as ‘humanitarian’, so please only use the humanitarian flag where relevant.
If you have experience using the humanitarian scope element:
- Humanitarian Scope element – we strongly recommend using both the Emergency (1) and Appeal (2) type codelists and respective vocabulary for GLIDE and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) codes when reporting activities related to COVID-19. You should do that by specifying:
- GLIDE Appeal related to COVID-19- “EP-2020-000012-001”
type="1" vocabulary="1-2"
code="EP-2020-000012-001"> </humanitarian-scope>
- Humanitarian Response Plans related to COVID-19- “HCOVD20”
type="2" vocabulary="2-1" code="HCOVD20">