Link your indicators to ours
To improve the usability of IATI results information of our partners, the MFA has created indicator reference codes for our standard result indicators.

If you report a result in IATI that contributes to one of our standard result indicators, please add this indicator reference code. That allows us to easily find your results in IATI and upload them into our results application, which we use (among others) to gather results for our annual results report.
We believe this approach gives you more freedom to report your results according to your own guidelines, but still connect them to the MFA results frameworks. This approach is already used by the strengthening civil society partnerships.
The reference codes you can use are listed here. More information, including how to use the codes in Aidstream, is in this manual (PowerPoint). Please discuss with your MFA contact which indicators you would like to connect to which standard indicators. For all other questions you can always contact the IATI helpdesk.